Sean Compton | President
‘My love of structures, particularly the steel portions, pushed me to go on my own. Ironwork is one of the most dangerous, most difficult, most scrutinized, stressful businesses in the world. Moving forward and success for everyone involved requires give and take between the employer and employee. So, I try to run Southern Spear with a mixture of the vision of Steve Jobs, the tenacity of Andrew Carnegie, and the compassion and leadership of Bobby Bowden.’
Mike Harris I VP of operations
‘At Southern Spear, we’re committed to setting the industry standard in leadership, creativity + operational strategy. As a leadership team, we strategically manage financial + organizational planning, employee + partner relations, regulatory requirements, safety standards, and policies + procedures. Our mission is to set the bar in the construction industry for quality, safety, innovation, and operational excellence.’
jeff garrard | director
‘Construction can be a stressful and difficult profession, but it is also a highly rewarding one. I am blessed with an excellent team here at Southern Spear Ironworks which allows us to take on even the most demanding of projects and come out the other side having built great new relationships with our clients.’